car driving on the ice

How To Drive On Ice

There’s no better time than now to learn about winter driving. You never know when ice will strike in your neighborhood or on a trip.

When driving in ice and/or snow, just assume the roads are slippery. Anytime the temperature is below freezing or even close – in the low 30s Fahrenheit (or single digits in Centigrade) – and there is moisture, you should drive slower and with more distance between cars. Even a light drizzle or fog can create slick conditions. You can never be too cautious!

Bridges, particularly those with a metal mesh surface, can be especially hazardous. Certainly, you’ve seen the road signs. Bridges are tricky because of the airflow under the surface. This causes bridges to get colder faster and moisture to freeze quicker.

What To Do When You Skid Or Slide On Ice

When a tire spins on the ice there’s no traction. If your tire can’t create that friction, it’s difficult to control a vehicle. However, there are some things a driver can do to manage it.

Slow Down

If the car has gone sideways or is sliding in a straight line, slowly press and lift off the brake pedal. The goal here is to create friction with your wheels and slow down. You don’t want to lock the brakes (a/k/a slam on the brakes). That won’t solve the problem.

Turn Into The Slide

If the rear end of the vehicle slides right, turn the steering wheel to the right. If the rear end slides left, turn the steering wheel left.

Losing The Front End

If the front goes left, turn the front wheels left. If the front end goes right, turn the front wheels right.

Do Not Panic

Whatever happens, do not panic. It solves nothing.

Inspect Tires and Brakes

Before the winter driving season begins, make sure your tires have enough tread and your brake pads are not worn. You always want to maintain your vehicle, but you especially want it maintained when it’s cold.

How To Drive on Ice
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How To Drive on Ice
There’s no better time than now to learn about winter driving.
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