BBS wheel with Stoptech brake pad

Why Do My Brakes Squeak After New Pads?

After a brake pad replacement, you may hear some noises, like a squeak. More times than not (especially if a certified brake mechanic did the work), your brake system is stable.

But there is an explanation for that brake noise. It has to do with:

  1. The materials used to replace the pads
  2. Rotor quality
  3. Issues of climate, meaning where the car is typically driven and what typical weather patterns are involved
  4. Expected brake bedding period

Let’s look at each of these issues, with an eye toward understanding why these noises can occur. (Note: This article is about squeaking breaks after a pad replacement. If you have issues with a grinding noise, you want this article here.)

Brake Pad Materials

Brake pads are typically composed of silicon or hybrid products like silicon dust mixed with metal shavings making new pads abrasive. Manufacturers also apply protectants on the pad to keep pads from degrading too soon.

Rotor Quality

A brake caliper pushes the pads against the rotor to create friction, which slows the rotor as it spins. If a highly-abrasive pad contacts an uneven rotor face, it will vibrate and squeak.


Moisture attracts dust and other materials. All of this can adhere to a rotor and cause that noise, especially if your rotor is uneven.

Bedding Process

As mentioned, new pads are typically abrasive and are sometimes coated with protective elements that can cause noise. After some wear, sometimes referred to as a “bedding process,” that brake pad squeak will go away.

If after a reasonable period of time, the noise does not go away, it’s best to discuss your situation with a certified brake mechanic.

Why Do My Brakes Squeak After New Pads?
Article Name
Why Do My Brakes Squeak After New Pads?
For the average driver, hearing squeaking noises after a pad replacement can cause concern. However, more times than not (and assuming that a certified brake mechanic did the work), aside from some irritation, auto brake systems are usually stable after a retrofit.
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